What is Bliss Learning Hub and who is it for?

The Bliss Learning Hub provides online courses for Bliss volunteers as part of their training programme. 

Our courses provide a range of activities and resources to empower our volunteers as they learn about the role that they have applied for. 

How do I login?

Click on login on the top right of the website. We will have sent you a username and password after your application has been accepted.

I'm having problems logging in

If you are having problems logging in contact us at volunteer@bliss.org.uk and we can look into this for you.

I'm having problems accessing a course - what should I do?

Occasionally Moodle (who are the providers of our learning hub platform) perform updates on the website. So if it is a temporary issue, it may be due to this. You can try accessing the learning hub an hour later as downtime is usually limited to about an hour.

However if it isn't this and you are still having problems, then please do contact us.

How do I register for courses?

We will register you to the relevant course for your training and will email you all the relevant details. You don't need to do anything to register yourself.

How do I access my courses?

You can access your courses via the dashboard - all your courses will be listed under 'Course overview'. They are also listed at the bottom of the homepage once you have logged in.

Last modified: Wednesday, 3 January 2018, 3:42 PM